Custom Conti - turbo w/ triplane
Custom Conti - turbo w/ triplane
Chunder. Loose. Sandy. Soft. Chunky. That's what this frame had for breakfast the last five days..It's a frame specifically designed for the Continental Divide and routes in the heinous end of the spectrum.
Happy with anything from a 650 x 40ish to a 29 x 2.8..
Lets talk tri-plane. These handmade beauties have an eclectic pedigree. @waltworks butted blades, @paragonmachine dropouts, 3d waterjet crowns, 10 peso coins from Mexico, NOS True Temper ox Plat steerer. That spicy turbo midnight finish from @krazykarlbpr. Lots of parts made and USA sourced for this beauty.
——Included is everything picuted——
-M/L Turbo El Continete
- Handbuilt custom triplane , turbo
-El Conitnete Riser Stem, Turbo, Gold bolts
-raw brass seatclamp
-raw brass spacers
-Raw brass topcap
-raw brass bar ends (not photo’d, remind me to throw them in)
-raw brass valve caps (not photo’d, remind me to throw them in)
-El Pebblito Bars, 440
-Gold Bolt upgrade
-White industries headset